Device Prototyping and Production Summer School

Tuesday 9th July

Time Item Location (Building-Room)
15:00-17:00 Welcome Desk INF – B floor entrance
19:00 Dinner BHF

Wednesday 10th July

Time Item Location (Building-Room)
08:00 Breakfast BHF
09:00 Welcome Desk INF – B floor entrance
09:30 Welcome: context and week’s agenda INF-SkyL
09:45 Speed dating and coffee INF-SkyL
11:00 Keynote presentation: Unlocking a long tail of hardware by Steve Hodges  MAN-LT15
11:30 Keynote presentation: The pro² Network+ by Mike Fraser (Uni. of Bristol) MAN-LT15
11:45 Presentation: One-minute madness MAN-LT15
12:30 Lunch MAN-LT15
13:15 Tutorial: Printed circuit boards MAN-LT15
13:45 Presentation: PCB manufacturing and assembly by Steve Jones (Eurocircuits) MAN-LT15
14:45 Coffee MAN-LT15
15:00 Delegate Experiences: Prototyping MAN-LT15
16:30 Practical tutorial: PCB design walk-through with KiCAD by John Vidler and Aron Eggens INF-B79
17:15 Practical tutorial: using Gerber files, component sourcing by Steve Jones (Eurocircuits), Aron Eggens and Kobi Hartley INF-B79
18:00 Discussion: Q&A INF-B79
19:00 Dinner BHF
20:00 Quiz BHF
21:00 Finish/Cartmel Bar BHF

Thursday 11th July

Time Item Location
08:00 Breakfast BHF
09:00 Discussion: Recap, Q&A MAN-LT15
09:15 Keynote: Supply chain challenges by John Hardy (Hardy & Ellis Inventions)

Practical tutorial: using Gerber files, component sourcing by Steve Jones (Eurocircuits), Aron Eggens and Kobi Hartley

10:30 Coffee MAN-LT15
10:45 Tutorial: Managing cost and complexity by Steve Hodges MAN-LT15
11:15 Delegate Experiences: Toward Isotyping
Discussion: Prototype experiences
12:30 Lunch MAN-LT15
13:30 Practical tutorial: Surface mount assembly, hands-on by Steve Hodges and Aron Eggens  ENG2-B02
15:15 Coffee and demos INF-SkyL
16:30 Practical tutorial: Prototyping with Jacdac by Kobi Hartley 
Practical tutorial: Light up the world with solder:bit by Joe Finney and Aron Eggens
18:00 Discussion: Q&A INF-B79
19:00 Dinner BHF
20:00 Gig: The Usuals BHF
Late! Finish/Cartmel bar BHF

Friday 12th July

Time Item Location
08:00 Breakfast BHF
09:00 Discussion: Recap, Q&A MAN-LT15
09:15 Keynote Presentations: Scaling your prototype in Shenzhen by Mandy Xiang (Seeed Studio) MAN-LT15
10:00 Tutorial: Testing and commissioning MAN-LT15
10:30 Coffee MAN-LT15
10:45 Case studies: Towards deployment by Lorraine Underwood MAN-LT15

Delegate Experiences: Toward Production 

Discussion: Prototype experiences 

12:45 Lunch INF-SkyL
13:30 Practical tutorial: Isotyping with Jacdac by Kobi Hartley INF-B79
14:00 Breakout group discussions: Isotyping in context INF-B79
15:00 Discussion: breakout report-backs INF-SkyL
15:45 Discussion: Recap, Q&A, feedback, future collaboration, prizes INF-SkyL
16:00 Coffee and depart INF-SkyL


Buildings Rooms
BHF – Barker House Farm  LT15 – Lecture Theatre 15 (MAN, A floor) 
ENG2 – Engineering 2  SkyL – Sky Lounge (INF, D floor) 
INF InfoLab  B79 – Computer Lab (INF, B floor)
MAN – Management School B02 – Electronics Lab (ENG, B floor)



– Lancaster Uni. buildings use an A-D system to number floors rather than conventional floor numbers. The ground floor would be A, for example. 

– The main entrance to the InfoLab building is on B floor and the SkyLounge is located on D floor. 

– Engineering building 2 does not appear on all versions of the Lancaster University campus map. It is located next to the building labelled ‘ENG’ on the campus map included in your welcome email. Please also see the map below where ENG2 has been highlighted in yellow. 

Map of part of the Lancaster University campus with the Engineering 2 Building highlighted in yellow text. It's located next to the main Engineering Building and across from the Management building.