2024 Wrapped
Another busy year has come to a close for the pro² network. Here are some of the highlights:
In February, we held an online workshop on Exploring the Challenges of Prototyping Interactive Devices with Emerging Technologies and Materials. Thanks to all who joined us for this fun, interactive discussion that brought together experts from academia and industry to identify key challenges facing the community.
This year we launched three funding calls – Infrastructure for Device Production, Materials for Digital Devices, and The pro² Residency Scheme. While the first two have closed, our Residency Scheme remains open on a rolling basis to new applications. It supports industry-academia and international collaboration projects aligned with the pro² mission. Apply soon if this is of interest to you!
We held our first inaugural Device Prototyping and Production Summer School in July at Lancaster University. With over 30 delegates, world-leading expert speakers from industry and academia, lots of hands-on sessions, and a prize competition, it was a big success. Get the full story and check out our prize winners.
Prof. Mike Fraser (U. of Bristol) presenting at the 2024 pro² Summer School
Delegates building their own digital devices at a surface mount assembly lesson
Also in July, we sponsored a networking event for early career researchers as part of the IEEE International Conference on Omni-layer Intelligent Systems in London.
The spring and autumn saw bi-annual meetings of the pro² Advisory Board, offering great opportunities for the network’s Steering Group to receive expert guidance on activities, policy goals, and strategic planning for the future of pro².
Three brand-new funded projects kicked off in September, after successfully responding to our Infrastructure for Device Production call. Among them is a project at the University of Glasgow that’s aiming to better integrate quality control into open-source hardware, using the OpenFlexure Microscope as an exemplar. Another project out of Nottingham Trent University looks at how to leverage AI systems based on Large Language Models to explore new ways for device makers to develop and test prototypes. And a University of Bristol project is improving the way stakeholders like clients and end users feedback on device prototypes by making use of XR (augmented, virtual, and mixed reality) technologies. Want to know more? Check out these projects and others funded by the network in the new Showcase section of our website.
Three new pro² funded projects launched in autumn 2024
What’s next for pro² in 2025?
Rory Clark
Our team is growing! Meet Rory Clark, a Research Associate joining the pro² network from January. In his own words:
‘My main topic of research is User-Centred Design and Human Computer Interaction “in-the-wild”. My thesis is on how diagnostic clinicians interact with tools and devices in real world situations. This work has a heavy interdisciplinary focus, and I enjoy working with a variety of stakeholders to solve problems in unconventional ways. My research interests cover all aspects of how people interact with devices and each other, and I am currently working on a meta-analysis of Early Career Researchers and how they operate as outsiders in HCI studies.’
Lorraine Underwood
We’re also excited to welcome Lorraine Underwood to the network, a Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University. She’s standing in for Professor Joe Finney this year as an Interim Steering Group member whilst Joe is on sabbatical.
‘My research is around computer science education. In my PhD I created physical computing tools to support educators to teach children about data. I love building fun projects with electronics and code, especially anything to do with shiny lights.’
Get ready for our 2025 Summer School – We’re thrilled to announce that we’re planning our second annual summer school at Lancaster University. Once again promising an action-packed, interactive experience led by experts in the field, don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to progress your prototype to the next level. More details to come in the spring.
Innovative solutions to low-volume device production challenges are on their way as some of our funded projects come to a close in 2025. Offering new tools, methods, and resources, these outputs are promising to make it easier for everyone to produce their own digital devices. We’ll also be kicking off new projects this spring with a focus on ground-breaking emerging materials for device production. Keep an eye on our social media for updates as some exciting opportunities to get involved may be coming soon.
We’re launching a new way to engage with other members of the pro² network+. Whether you’re seeking collaborators for a project, looking for advice around a difficult challenge, or have a great solution to share, our new WhatsApp community will be a place to engage with others who share your passion for producing devices in low volumes. Our new Research Associate, Rory Clark, will also be conducting a member engagement exercise this year to learn more about the community’s needs. More details of both coming to our social channels soon.
With plenty more activities on the way, the network’s third year is sure to be just as busy as the first two. To stay up to date with everything, register for free as a network member. Our members receive periodic e-newsletters with details about upcoming events and funding calls, as well as access to the member’s section of the website for networking with others. You can also follow us on our social media channels: LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Instagram, and YouTube.
Wishing you all a happy new year from all of us at pro²!