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Many innovative interactive devices are built on emerging technologies and materials that are not traditionally part of the prototyping process, for example, responsive materials that change their state, shape, or form, require novel approaches to control (e.g. flexible electronics), or must operate in non-traditional environments (e.g. underwater or in the body).   

While there are numerous tools and processes available to support traditional prototyping (CAD, circuit board layout, additive/subtractive manufacturing) there is far less support when prototyping with emerging technologies and materials. This poses significant challenges for innovators who wish to produce their first prototype, let alone replicate that prototype for testing or larger production.  

The goal of this workshop is to explore the challenges innovators are facing when producing ‘non-traditional’ prototypes that include emerging technology and/or materials. We will hear from people who have been through this prototyping process, have small break-out groups to expand our understanding of the challenges, and examine what might be required to address those challenges.  We aim to leverage the outcomes of this workshop to generate innovative ideas that can subsequently be funded through our pro² initiative or larger UK, EU, or international consortium.

Speakers for the workshop include:

– Marianna Obrist, Chief Scientific Officer & Co-Founder of OW Smell Made Digital and Professor of Multisensory Interfaces at University College London 

– Marc Teyssier, Principal Investigator & Creative Technologist at Pôle Léonard de Vinci 

– Paul Worgan, Lecturer in Mechatronics at the University of the West of England 

– John Rudin, Founder at Folium Optics, Epinal Ltd, and Iremia Technology Ltd 

This workshop is open to people from academia, industry, and hobbyist backgrounds or anybody interested in emerging technologies and materials that may be currently under-utilised: how to create or hack materials, how to access them, how to manipulate them, how to fabricate with them and which processes or equipment may help.  

This event is run by the pro² Network+, an EPSRC funded network that aims to democratise digital device production. Our goal is to make it easier for people to make digital devices. 

Registration for this workshop is now closed. All questions about the event can be directed to

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