pro² events are a great opportunity to network with individuals and organisations who are working toward a better way of producing digital devices. Subscribe to our calendar for details of upcoming conferences, hackathons, webinars, funding calls, and more.

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As creators of electronic devices move beyond prototypes to refine and scale up their products, interactions with external stakeholders multiply. Specialist designers, manufacturers, auditors, end users… the list goes on. Managing interactions between these stakeholders requires various tools, techniques, standards and platforms.

We believe that software infrastructure will play an increasingly important role in facilitating these interactions, helping device creators overcome the many barriers to working with other stakeholders as they refine and scale their designs for production.

The pro² Network+ is soliciting exemplars that demonstrate how infrastructure, beyond traditional production manufacturing, can play a role in overcoming the barriers to refining and scaling a device prototype. Infrastructure may include asynchronous or synchronous technologies, potentially leveraging advances in ubiquitous computing, XR (including augmented and virtual reality), the internet of things (IoT), data aggregation and AI, and computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW).

This webinar will provide further information about the call and allow time for interested applicants to have their questions answered. We strongly encourage anyone planning to apply for the call to attend. Please register using the link on the top right of this page to attend on Zoom.

Additional information about the call and the application form can be found on our Funding page.

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