Theory of Change – Text Only Version

Activities and outputs leading to intermediate outcomes: our current measure of accountability

Activity 1: Mapping – ‘What technologies currently exist that facilitate idea to product, taking into account the flexibility vs. cost trade off?’ Format: publication.

Activity 2: Funding – Create exemplars of experimental device production tools, techniques and services. Format: publication.

Intermediate outcome for activities 1 and 2: Tools techniques and services that simplify device production exist (even if they are ad-hoc). Format: publications and devices.

Activity 3: Mapping – ‘What interoperability issues exist in device production and where are the opportunities for standardization?’ Format: publication.

Intermediate outcome for activity 3: New standards for interoperability between suppliers and processes have been created.

Activity 4: Mapping – The theory and knowledge needed to go through the device production process.

Follow-on activity for activity 4: Create an accessible way to show people what they need to consider for their device production journey (awareness).

Intermediate outcome for activity 4: A broad range of people are starting to use the new tools, techniques etc. for device production.

Activity 5: Create a network of technology providers and digital device producers.

Follow-on activity 1 for activity 5: Consult with network members on the best way to facilitate access to knowledge for and collaboration around device production. Format: relationships.

Intermediate outcome 1 for activity 5: A database and healthy community exists of tech providers and device producers who advocate for the above. Format: relationships.

Follow-on activity 2 for activity 5: Hold events encouraging network member collaboration. Format: relationships.

Intermediate outcome 2 for activity 5: A broad spectrum of people collaborate on ways to produce digital devices. Format: relationships.

Activity 6: Unconventional Electronics Specific Mapping spaces, tools, and support available for making unconventional electronics, including prototypes.

Final intermediate outcome for all activities: Further funding is applied for to develop intermediate to long-term outcomes.

Long-term outcomes and impact goals 

Long-term outcome 1: Standards and platforms exist that integrate tools and services for device production.

Long-term outcome 2: Evidence exists that people are using the newly created standards, platforms, tools, services, etc. for both commercial and non-commercial applications.

Long-term outcome 3: Diverse, open collaboration models exist that drive digital device production.

Initial impact goal as a result of long-term outcomes 1 to 3:

UK seen as global leader in low volume, high mix device production.

Final impact goal as a result of initial impact goal:

More individuals and organisations are empowered to be digital device producers.