Theory of Change – Text Only Version

Activities and outputs leading to intermediate outcomes: our current measure of accountability

Initial round of activities and outputs:

Activity 1: Mapping – ‘What technologies currently exist that facilitate idea to product, taking into account the flexibility vs. cost trade off?’ Format: publication.

Output for activity 1: A comprehensive overview of solutions that already exist.


Activity 2: Funding – Create exemplars of experimental device production tools, techniques and services with environmental sustainability in mind. Format: publication.

Output for activity 2: Exemplar solutions are created.


Activity 3: Mapping – ‘What interoperability issues exist in device production and where are the opportunities for standardisation?’ Format: publication.

Output for activity 3: A comprehensive overview of interoperability issues and where standardisation would be useful.


Activity 4: Mapping – The theory and knowledge needed to go through the device production process. Format: publication.

Output for activity 4: A comprehensive overview of everything a person needs to know to progress through the device production process.


Activity 5: Creating – Create a network of technology providers and digital device producers. Format: relationships.

Output for activity 5: A network of technology providers and digital device producers.


Activity 6: Mapping (Unconventional electronics specific) – Mapping spaces, tools, and support available for making unconventional electronics, including prototypes. Format: publication.

Output for activity 6: A comprehensive overview of everything a person needs to know to prototype unconventional devices and progress them to production stage.


Second round of activities:

Activity 1: Create an accessible way to show people what they need to consider for their device production journey (awareness).


Activity 2: Consult with Network members on the best way to facilitate access to knowledge on, and collaboration around, device production.


Activity 3: Hold events encouraging Network member collaboration.


Intermediate outcomes:

Outcome 1: Tools, techniques and services that simplify device production are created (even if they are ad-hoc), with a focus on sustainability.


Outcome 2: New standards for interoperability between suppliers and processes have been created, reducing waste and unnecessary production of new/specific parts.


Outcome 3: A database and healthy community of tech providers and device producers advocate for the above.


Outcome 4: A broad spectrum of people collaborate on ways to produce digital devices, ensuring they are as inclusive as possible.


Our Current Line of Accountability – separating intermediate outcomes from long-term outcomes and impact goals.


Long-term outcomes and impact goals 

Long-term outcome 1: UK seen as global leader in low volume, high mix device production.


Long-term outcome 2: People are using the newly created standards, platforms, tools, services, etc. for both commercial and non-commercial applications.


Long-term outcome 3: More devices are produced through low volume manufacture by people who don’t traditionally produce devices. This form of production gradually starts to reduce the demand for mass-produced devices.


Impact goals as a result of long-term outcomes 1 to 3:


Quality of life is enhanced for people through their increased ability to produce digital devices that are tailored to their needs.


More jobs are created due to an increase in low volume manufacture in the UK.


More efficient use of technological resource that leads to more sustainable consumption of digital devices.